Nucleum? Nearly Killed’ Em!
NAaT gets a charge out of the latest heavy (uranium) euro game from Board & Dice.

How to play Feudum
Conquer territory and command monsters in a whimsical medieval land filled with airships and sea serpents in Feudum.

Bits, Please! Ep 7 part 2: Please Laser, Don’t Hurt ‘Em
Satisfied his new laser cutter won’t burn down the house (at least not immediately), Ryan makes custom engraved components for two popular board games.

Bits, Please! Ep 7 part 1: You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out
Somebody had the bright idea of sending Ryan a laser cutter to review. Did nobody warn them? Laserity ensues.

Voidfall Unboxing/Reboxing
How long could it possibly take to open, sort, and re-home some board game pieces?

How to play Hadrian’s Wall
Hadrian’s Wall is the meatiest roll n’ write game you’ll ever put pencil to. Mark up two big sheets of boxes as you defend Rome from invading Picts!

How to play An Age Contrived
When someone asks if you’re a god, you say YES! An Age Contrived has you building magnetic monuments with energy tokens from your spring-loaded metal player board.

How to play Rolling Heights
Rolling Heights has you violating workplace safety laws by tossing construction workers on their heads to build skyscrapers.

Starship Captains and Deal with the Devil unboxings
Ryan cracks the shrink on two new board games from Czech Games Edition: Starship Captains and Deal with the Devil.

Psychic Pizza Deliverers go to the Ghost Town playthru – Live!
Ryan ruins a game of Psychic Pizza Deliverers Go to the Ghost Town by choosing a map that’s too difficult for his first-time players.

Mansions of Madness playthru – Live!
Ryan and Cheryl pick their way through a spooky town overrun with fish ███ckers.

How to play Ticket to Ride: San Francisco
Ticket to Ride San Francisco shrinks its footprint and play time down to the size of the city by the bay, swapping its signature train cars for cable cars.

How to play Saboteur: the Dark Cave
The latest installment in the Saboteur card game series sees you escaping a flooded mine with your pockets stuffed with gold.

How to play Splendor Duel
7 Wonders Duel and Splendor had a baby! Let’s welcome the 2-player tyke into the world.

How to play Paperback Adventures
The spiritual successor to the word-spelling card game Paperback, this primarily solo outing is the marriage of Slay the Spire and Scrabble.

Is My Father’s Work fun?
My Father’s Work is Splendor with more steps, dolled up with undeniably fancy components and gothic Victorian prose recalling Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. But is it fun