Bits, Please! Ep 5: Half off 3d printed inserts

Bits, Please! Ep 5: Half off 3d printed inserts

You’ve seen How to Play A Feast for Odin, you’ve watched Dave and me do a playthru, and now you’re wondering how we put it all back in the box in under two hours. Here’s the solution: a 3D printable insert on Thingiverse designed by Cnpeters...
Bits, Please! Ep 4: 3d Printed Keyflower Insert

Bits, Please! Ep 4: 3d Printed Keyflower Insert

By now you should know How to Play Keyflower, and whether or not i think the game is fun. Here’s a hint: what follows is a nearly hour-long video in which i (sometimes inadvertently) spend hundreds of dollars 3d printing a custom insert for the bloody thing....