DID U TOTALLY KNOW: If your workplace has a policy prohibiting your real name from appearing in borderline insulting poems that some moron writes for you on the internet, you can send that moron a note and go by your internet handle instead. That’s what our friend Omelet has done, although you can catch him (or her??) on the Discord server very often, usually schooling us all at online board games.

The only thing i will reveal (for the purposes of making this poem funny) is that Omelet is a fellow Canuck. But good luck finding him: it’s an enormous country. Geographically.

Poetry Month rages on with an ode to Chris, AKA enaudible. i was fortunate enough to share a meal with Chris and his kid at a brewery during GenCON (with other Nights Around a Table friends), and it was one of the highlights of the conference for me… probably because it was one of the few moments where i took the time to sit down and relax. Once an active presence on the NAaT Discord Server, enaudible is rarely sighted these days, but when i do catch a glimpse of him, it’s a treat.

From these scant details, i was able to construct a fairly accurate poetic depiction of his skills and hobbies.

The Big Karhuna

Breathtaking strategist

Hero of men

The dude on the top of the car hanging ten

His surfboard’s affixed to the overhead roof rack

He shuffles his cards and then pulls all his guys back


Positioning pieces and calling out moves

He careens down the street as he goofy-foot grooves

Never misses a turn, never misses a beat

He rolls all his dice with a flick of his feet


Whenever he wins, which is frequent and often

The girls in bikinis yell “Totally awesome!”

Do you have a spending problem? Are you frittering away all your money on frivolous expendtiures like rent and food?  Put your money where it matters: in the hands of a guy who plays with board games for a living, Join me on Patreon. i may even write a poem about you.