7 Wonders Duel is a tight little set-collecting card game for 2 players. The game is a spin-off of the popular card-drafting game 7 Wonders. There are three different ways to win in Duel: Military, Science, and Civic victories. This video covers all of them, and teaches you how to play the game:


At 5:14, i mention that you tally up various elements to derive your endgame score. It’s important to note that every 3 leftover coins earn you 1 point. Thanks to YouTube viewer Thomas Ansbjerg for pointing out the omission! Thomas also notes that we missed the rule about who gets to go first in a new Age: the player with the weakest military chooses the first player for the next Age. If players are tied in military strength, whoever took the final card in the previous tableau gets to choose the first player in the next Age.

Get Your Own Copy of 7 Wonders: Duel

This is a great little game to have in your collection if you want a 2-player experience, and lighter games like Odin’s Ravens or Lost Cities aren’t really cutting it. 7 Wonders Duel has a solid amount of strategic depth to it to scratch the right itch. Buy your copy from the link below, and we’ll receive a small commission.

7 Wonders Duel
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7 Wonders Duel

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