by Ryan | Jun 7, 2024 | Game, Livestream, Unboxing
Sea of Legends is still the board game that tops our list of favourites. i was beyond excited to dive into this long-awaited box of booty, which includes new factions, new captains (including special Bob Kohl-designed captains), metal coins, and the entire second...
by Ryan | May 24, 2024 | Game, How to Play
Let’s get this out of the way first and foremost: do the spring-loaded metal player boards in this game… DO… anything? No. No they do not. But will they prove to your friends, once and for all, that you’re a rich and cool person, instead of a...
by Ryan | Nov 28, 2023 | Game, How to Play
What in the great googly moogly even IS this game? When i tried to watch their highly polished how to play video, i was completely lost. It seemed SO complicated and SO out of my reach, that i began to understand how non-board gamers must feel when i try to explain...
by Ryan | Nov 18, 2023 | Bits, Please!, Game
Afetr finding my footing with the xTool D1 Pro 10w laser engraver, i set to actaully putting it to use enhancing my board game collection. My first — and deepest — wish was to cut my own 10mm custom meeples for Everdell. Plan B was to make custom engraved totems for...
by Ryan | Nov 18, 2023 | Bits, Please!, Game
A company called Xtool (a subsidiary of MakeBlock) sent me something i’ve been jonesing for for a while: a real-live laser cutter. i’ve never operated anything like it. It’s like a plotter that sets things on fire. Here’s a whole half episode...
by Ryan | Nov 11, 2023 | Game, How to Play
Back when it was announced, i gave you 5 Reasons You Should Be Excited for Voidfall. Now that it’s here, i’ll give you one reason to be less excited: the box, predictably, takes a few hours to organize. And it’s always difficult to sort through...