Sea of Legends is still the board game that tops our list of favourites. i was beyond excited to dive into this long-awaited box of booty, which includes new factions, new captains (including special Bob Kohl-designed  captains), metal coins, and the entire second expansion (Rise of the Ancients), all sent courtesy of Guildhall Studios because frankly, i begged them for it. 

A better Merchants & Marauders

Sea of Legends wasn’t in my life when i reviewed every pirate board game in existence, but if it had been, it would easily have edged out my then-favourite, Merchants & Marauders. Sea of Legends takes every clunky aspect of M&M and fixes it, from splitting the onerous “Port” action to multiple islands, to easing up on the punishment for sinking your ship, to putting quests in an app instead of cluttering up the board real estate with quest cards. The result is just a fun, dice-chucking good time with a little bit of strategy and mild engine-building that reminds me of the kind of spirited night at the board game table that something like Xia: Legends of a Drift System can offer.

If you get a chance to play this game, take it!