i was thrilled that publisher Libellud responded to my request for a copy of Dice Forge: Rebellion to shoot, but then i realized i hadn’t yet made a How to Play Dice Forge video. Once that problem was solved, i dove in and shot this unboxing, and then went on to produce How to Play Dice Forge: Rebellion!

(click to view transcript)

Hi! It’s Ryan from NIghts Around a Table, and boy-howdy am i excited today, because the good people over at Asmodee Canada have furnished me with a copy of Dice Forge: Rebel Lion, wh… sorry, that’s “Rebellion,” which is the expansion of course to Dice Forge, and i have a video that i shot a few months ago of me unboxing this thing, and i was SO JAZZED, because if you’ve watched any of my videos, you know that i’m a bit of an art snob, and this… game just… just fits right in the pocket of what i love. It’s a stylistic rendering, so it’s not a realistic thing, it’s more cartoony, and it’s just beautiful beautiful beautiful – it just pops like crazy! And the gimmick of Dice Forge, you may know, is that it comes with these customizable dice, so you’re able to actually buy dice faces, and pop the face off like that, and pop another face on, and then roll it, and hope you get something better than the faces that you began with on the die. Neat! Very very cool. The unfortunate thing about Dice Forge, thought, and what i’d heard about it bore out, is that Dice Forge is like having a very good-looking prom date. So it’s a person who looks amazing on your arm… you don’t really want to have conversations with people with that person, because the moment that person opens their mouth, it’s like “Nooooh – you’re just here for the eye candy.” It’s a pleasant game? It’s a reasonable way to spend the time. It’s not especially deep is all that i’m saying. But we put it on the table a number of times since i unboxed it, actually, and i’ve had a good time with it… it’s just not really a thinking person’s game, i wouldn’t say. So i held out great hope that when the expansion finally came to light, it might add a little bit of that depth, or complexity, or thinkiness that i was hoping for and looking for from the game. i have no idea if it does that! i was just really excited to get my hands on it! And as you can tell, i’m still pretty excited. Dice Forge: Rebellion… let’s unbox it, and see what they’ve added to the game! (indiscriminate humming) The game promises a number of different modules, and one of the things… i don’t know if i disliked about the original game… was that there are a number of cards that you can put around the islands in the game, and you can choose which cards to use and which cards not to use, so it’s kind of like a… if you’ve ever played Dominion, they come with more cards than you actually need to play the game, and you decide which ones are in and which ones are out. It’s okay? i almost prefer a game to prescribe the experience for me. So it’s the same reason i wasn’t really big on Santorini, because it said “Oh, here’s a big pile of god powers, and you pick which god powers you want to play with!” i’m like “No, YOU’RE the designer… YOU pick!” i mean, i’m not making the game! You go for it. So what i gather from the expansion is … the back, it talks about different modules, so we’ll see how modular it really is. Mmmm. Smooth like buttah. Box Fart-O-Meter: zero. “Greetings, mortal!” Ooh, i didn’t expect THIS – a very thick – oh, i see. Ok. Due to translations, there’s a thick couple of booklets off the top, so i’m going to toss out the FRONCH one, and just take a look at the English one… Ads for other Libellud… i don’t know how to pronounce the publisher’s name. Li-BELL-ud? LIE-bell-ood? i’m not sure, but this is the instruction booklet. It clocks in at 19 pages, and it’s about as – i mean, the instruction booklet for the original was a little bit… hairy, i gotta say. Tons of tiny little icons everywhere, and it looks really overwhelming, for what really isn’t that much of a complicated game. And again, we have a similar thing going on with this instruction booklet. Lots of little icons, but really all it means is you roll yellow, you get money, kind of thing. Put that aside for now. We have new little punch boards, and it looks like there’s a new currency in the game. In the original game, there are three currencies, i believe: sun stones, moon stones, and money, and this looks like it adds a fourth, i’m guessing, a fourth currency that is… rock candy! i don’t know. i don’t know. Interesting. And it’s… is this a new first player token? Or is this a… kind of a spooky-looking character on there. And a bunch of little tokens representing the characters we’ve already been playing, and it looks like each character is represented by a cool little… ROBOT/golem thing. Neat! That’s neat. i don’t know what any of these tokens mean, OF COURSE. And h…. aw, right. i read a little bit on the back of the box about some sort of maze, so it brought to mind the card in the original game where you… you run out of money… sorry. You max out your money really quickly in the original game, so there’s one card that you can buy that’s a whole separate money-tracker, so that when you go overboard on your money, instead of losing it, because you can’t – if your marker goes to the end, and you earn more money than that, that’s it – it’s wasted. So it’s a way to not waste your money. You actually track your money on this separate little card, and then turn it into points at the end. So it reminded me of that. So this looks like… maybe a similar thing? A little maze where you go through and you get little perks, depending on where you push your token. Neato. (laughing) This is cool. i was mystified by the original game because it had an elastic band, and i didn’t know what was going on. So this is the elastic band to keep this little sheath together, and these are new… oh, okay. They’re not in there yet. (laughing) i was like “Nnneewwww…. nnnothing!” These will… these recesses will hold the new die faces, which are in this bag. We’ll take a look in a sec. So i’ll close that up and put it to the side. There is – this is interesting. There are no other actual dice – i guess you – you know, we’re gonna rely on the ones that shipped with the original game, but there is this one die that is not customizable. It is hard-coded, i guess you would say? with the items already on it, so 5 points and 12 money and… a few other things. Looks – i mean, looks like a valuable die. Maybe there’s a card that lets you obtain that and roll it on your turn? That’s what i’m guessing. More little cubes representing the four players. i really like the colours they picked for this game. They’re really slick. The black looks cool. They didn’t just go for, like, a navy blue. They went for a beautiful light aquamarine blue, a nice orange, the green is beautiful. Really nice. Really nice aesthetics. Um… cards! If i were to guess, round about fifty thousand in each deck. Let’s crack them open and see.. you know what? No, no. i’m excited to see the new faces. That’s what i’m gonna look at first. So! Cards go over here. New faces: let’s take a look. Using the power of my TEETH!! Coo-ol. So, new icons that i don’t recognize… well, these kind of l… these ones look like the pigs a little bit. The pigs in the original game allowed you to, if you rolled them, steal the effects of other people’s dice, which are cool. So these are reminiscent of those. No idea if that’s the same schtick? These look like an either/or thing? There’s another either/or face from the original game, so i’m not too sure – they’re probably not reusing the mechanic, i’m just reading the symbols incorrectly. Ah, but – no. But this looks like one of those either/or faces. So if you roll a die and it has money on it, then you’ve matched the yellow, so you get what’s listed here. Otherwise, you get what’s listed here. So we’ve seen that before. i am going to time-skip the video and take a quick look at the instructions, so i can tell what these are. One moment. After careful deliberation, i have no idea! It’s not something i’m gonna sit and just absorb. There is a heck of a lot more going on in the instruction manual than i expected there to be. i can’t explain to you what these dice faces do, but that’s what my How to Play videos are for! i’m definitely going to rush this towards a How to Play feature. Let’s get rid of this! And crack open some cards. (humming) It’s a weird… it must be a weird channel to watch, right? i’ve got…. How to Play videos, where it’s like “i am the most knowledgeable dude about this game!” and then i’ve got unboxing videos where it’s like “i have no idea what’s going on!” Kind of a mixed message in the brand! O-kay. Scrumptious plastic. Nnnn… i gotta… fragment in there. Hmm! Ptoo! Here we are. Like a spooky eyeball critter. There are two modules, apparently: goddesses and titans, and all the dark blue stuff like you see on the front of the box is titan stuff, and the lighter stuff is goddess stuff. There’s some natty-looking monsters in here. Love this artwork. Gorgeous! Gorgeous artwork. Let’s – here. Shout out to artist. Who IS the artist on this? Art Director: Jérémy Couturier. Illustrations: Biboun? Just… graphics: Clément Dautremay… i’m butchering these French names. Mélanie André. i got that one, i’m sure of it. Fantastic work, people! Great job. Nice-lookin’ stuff! Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. Light cards, dark cards. i’m assuming light cards are goddess cards, dark cards are titan cards, and i read in the instruction booklet that the little tokens that look like golems ARE in fact golems, and those are the little guys that you’re running through the maze to do stuff. Uh… neat! Very excited to get this to the table, learn how to play, and then to do a How to Play. Like i said, i’ll probably be playing this for the next few days non-stop back-to-back until i really get a good sense of it, and then i’ll be able to do a great How to Play video for this, and for the base game! So look forward to that, coming soon. That was Dice Forge: Rebellion unboxing. Thanks so much for watching. Did you just watch that whole thing? Oh – hey! To 100% this video, click the badge to subscribe. Then click the bell to get notifications when i’ve got new stuff.

(click to view transcript)

Hi! It’s Ryan from NIghts Around a Table, and boy-howdy am i excited today, because the good people over at Asmodee Canada have furnished me with a copy of Dice Forge: Rebel Lion, wh… sorry, that’s “Rebellion,” which is the expansion of course to Dice Forge, and i have a video that i shot a few months ago of me unboxing this thing, and i was SO JAZZED, because if you’ve watched any of my videos, you know that i’m a bit of an art snob, and this… game just… just fits right in the pocket of what i love. It’s a stylistic rendering, so it’s not a realistic thing, it’s more cartoony, and it’s just beautiful beautiful beautiful – it just pops like crazy! And the gimmick of Dice Forge, you may know, is that it comes with these customizable dice, so you’re able to actually buy dice faces, and pop the face off like that, and pop another face on, and then roll it, and hope you get something better than the faces that you began with on the die. Neat! Very very cool. The unfortunate thing about Dice Forge, thought, and what i’d heard about it bore out, is that Dice Forge is like having a very good-looking prom date. So it’s a person who looks amazing on your arm… you don’t really want to have conversations with people with that person, because the moment that person opens their mouth, it’s like “Nooooh – you’re just here for the eye candy.” It’s a pleasant game? It’s a reasonable way to spend the time. It’s not especially deep is all that i’m saying. But we put it on the table a number of times since i unboxed it, actually, and i’ve had a good time with it… it’s just not really a thinking person’s game, i wouldn’t say. So i held out great hope that when the expansion finally came to light, it might add a little bit of that depth, or complexity, or thinkiness that i was hoping for and looking for from the game. i have no idea if it does that! i was just really excited to get my hands on it! And as you can tell, i’m still pretty excited. Dice Forge: Rebellion… let’s unbox it, and see what they’ve added to the game! (indiscriminate humming) The game promises a number of different modules, and one of the things… i don’t know if i disliked about the original game… was that there are a number of cards that you can put around the islands in the game, and you can choose which cards to use and which cards not to use, so it’s kind of like a… if you’ve ever played Dominion, they come with more cards than you actually need to play the game, and you decide which ones are in and which ones are out. It’s okay? i almost prefer a game to prescribe the experience for me. So it’s the same reason i wasn’t really big on Santorini, because it said “Oh, here’s a big pile of god powers, and you pick which god powers you want to play with!” i’m like “No, YOU’RE the designer… YOU pick!” i mean, i’m not making the game! You go for it. So what i gather from the expansion is … the back, it talks about different modules, so we’ll see how modular it really is. Mmmm. Smooth like buttah. Box Fart-O-Meter: zero. “Greetings, mortal!” Ooh, i didn’t expect THIS – a very thick – oh, i see. Ok. Due to translations, there’s a thick couple of booklets off the top, so i’m going to toss out the FRONCH one, and just take a look at the English one… Ads for other Libellud… i don’t know how to pronounce the publisher’s name. Li-BELL-ud? LIE-bell-ood? i’m not sure, but this is the instruction booklet. It clocks in at 19 pages, and it’s about as – i mean, the instruction booklet for the original was a little bit… hairy, i gotta say. Tons of tiny little icons everywhere, and it looks really overwhelming, for what really isn’t that much of a complicated game. And again, we have a similar thing going on with this instruction booklet. Lots of little icons, but really all it means is you roll yellow, you get money, kind of thing. Put that aside for now. We have new little punch boards, and it looks like there’s a new currency in the game. In the original game, there are three currencies, i believe: sun stones, moon stones, and money, and this looks like it adds a fourth, i’m guessing, a fourth currency that is… rock candy! i don’t know. i don’t know. Interesting. And it’s… is this a new first player token? Or is this a… kind of a spooky-looking character on there. And a bunch of little tokens representing the characters we’ve already been playing, and it looks like each character is represented by a cool little… ROBOT/golem thing. Neat! That’s neat. i don’t know what any of these tokens mean, OF COURSE. And h…. aw, right. i read a little bit on the back of the box about some sort of maze, so it brought to mind the card in the original game where you… you run out of money… sorry. You max out your money really quickly in the original game, so there’s one card that you can buy that’s a whole separate money-tracker, so that when you go overboard on your money, instead of losing it, because you can’t – if your marker goes to the end, and you earn more money than that, that’s it – it’s wasted. So it’s a way to not waste your money. You actually track your money on this separate little card, and then turn it into points at the end. So it reminded me of that. So this looks like… maybe a similar thing? A little maze where you go through and you get little perks, depending on where you push your token. Neato. (laughing) This is cool. i was mystified by the original game because it had an elastic band, and i didn’t know what was going on. So this is the elastic band to keep this little sheath together, and these are new… oh, okay. They’re not in there yet. (laughing) i was like “Nnneewwww…. nnnothing!” These will… these recesses will hold the new die faces, which are in this bag. We’ll take a look in a sec. So i’ll close that up and put it to the side. There is – this is interesting. There are no other actual dice – i guess you – you know, we’re gonna rely on the ones that shipped with the original game, but there is this one die that is not customizable. It is hard-coded, i guess you would say? with the items already on it, so 5 points and 12 money and… a few other things. Looks – i mean, looks like a valuable die. Maybe there’s a card that lets you obtain that and roll it on your turn? That’s what i’m guessing. More little cubes representing the four players. i really like the colours they picked for this game. They’re really slick. The black looks cool. They didn’t just go for, like, a navy blue. They went for a beautiful light aquamarine blue, a nice orange, the green is beautiful. Really nice. Really nice aesthetics. Um… cards! If i were to guess, round about fifty thousand in each deck. Let’s crack them open and see.. you know what? No, no. i’m excited to see the new faces. That’s what i’m gonna look at first. So! Cards go over here. New faces: let’s take a look. Using the power of my TEETH!! Coo-ol. So, new icons that i don’t recognize… well, these kind of l… these ones look like the pigs a little bit. The pigs in the original game allowed you to, if you rolled them, steal the effects of other people’s dice, which are cool. So these are reminiscent of those. No idea if that’s the same schtick? These look like an either/or thing? There’s another either/or face from the original game, so i’m not too sure – they’re probably not reusing the mechanic, i’m just reading the symbols incorrectly. Ah, but – no. But this looks like one of those either/or faces. So if you roll a die and it has money on it, then you’ve matched the yellow, so you get what’s listed here. Otherwise, you get what’s listed here. So we’ve seen that before. i am going to time-skip the video and take a quick look at the instructions, so i can tell what these are. One moment. After careful deliberation, i have no idea! It’s not something i’m gonna sit and just absorb. There is a heck of a lot more going on in the instruction manual than i expected there to be. i can’t explain to you what these dice faces do, but that’s what my How to Play videos are for! i’m definitely going to rush this towards a How to Play feature. Let’s get rid of this! And crack open some cards. (humming) It’s a weird… it must be a weird channel to watch, right? i’ve got…. How to Play videos, where it’s like “i am the most knowledgeable dude about this game!” and then i’ve got unboxing videos where it’s like “i have no idea what’s going on!” Kind of a mixed message in the brand! O-kay. Scrumptious plastic. Nnnn… i gotta… fragment in there. Hmm! Ptoo! Here we are. Like a spooky eyeball critter. There are two modules, apparently: goddesses and titans, and all the dark blue stuff like you see on the front of the box is titan stuff, and the lighter stuff is goddess stuff. There’s some natty-looking monsters in here. Love this artwork. Gorgeous! Gorgeous artwork. Let’s – here. Shout out to artist. Who IS the artist on this? Art Director: Jérémy Couturier. Illustrations: Biboun? Just… graphics: Clément Dautremay… i’m butchering these French names. Mélanie André. i got that one, i’m sure of it. Fantastic work, people! Great job. Nice-lookin’ stuff! Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. Light cards, dark cards. i’m assuming light cards are goddess cards, dark cards are titan cards, and i read in the instruction booklet that the little tokens that look like golems ARE in fact golems, and those are the little guys that you’re running through the maze to do stuff. Uh… neat! Very excited to get this to the table, learn how to play, and then to do a How to Play. Like i said, i’ll probably be playing this for the next few days non-stop back-to-back until i really get a good sense of it, and then i’ll be able to do a great How to Play video for this, and for the base game! So look forward to that, coming soon. That was Dice Forge: Rebellion unboxing. Thanks so much for watching. Did you just watch that whole thing? Oh – hey! To 100% this video, click the badge to subscribe. Then click the bell to get notifications when i’ve got new stuff.

Get Your Own Copy of Dice Forge: Rebellion Expansion 

If that unboxing piqued your interest and you already own Dice Forge, maybe you’d like to add Dice Forge: Rebellion to your own board game collection? If so, click the Amazon link below to shop for your own copy, and i’ll receive a small commission!