The Voyages of Marco Polo was all the rage when it was first released, but all the copies were snapped up before i could get one. When the game finally received another printing, i bought my own copy. Here’s what was inside:

Get Your Own Copy of The Voyages of Marco Polo

The Voyages of Marco Polo is the kind of game where the moment i finished playing, i wanted to play it again right away. It’s a tough game, especially if you draw a challenging randomized layout. And for a game that’s all about voyaging, it’s surprisingly expensive to move around the board – much the same way that it’s surprisingly difficult to grow vegetables in Agricola, a game about farming! The Voyages of Marco Polo scratches much the same itch as Alien Frontiers, which is one of my all-time favourite games. If space isn’t your bag, use the link below to shop for your own copy of The Voyages of Marco Polo, and we’ll earn a small commission: