The Secret Life of Board Games

The Secret Life of Board Games is a series where i interview board game creators about the Easter eggs they’ve hidden in your favourite games. If you’re a creator with secrets to share, send me an email and spill the beans!

Nights Around a Table - The Secret Life of Board Games Episode 1: Race for the Galaxy video thumbnail

In Episode 1, Race for the Galaxy designer Tom Lehmann spills the beans about the science fiction authors who influenced him, and the various nerdy references he’s stowed away inside his games.

Episode 2 comes courtesy of Dominion designer Donald X. Vaccarino, who revealed both the internal and external references hidden throughout the core game’s expansions.

Nights Around a Table - The Secret Life of Board Games Episode 2: Dominion video thumbnail
Nights Around a Table - The Secret Life of Board Games Episode 3: Clank! In! Space! video thumbnail

The third episode of the series takes us back to outer space, where designer Paul Dennen dishes the dirt on the secret movie references on the hack cards in Clank! In! Space! Can you guess them all?

In the fourth installment, artist Josh Cappel divulges the doodles in Belfort that reference other board games he’s illustrated, fellow Tasty Minstrel Games staffers, and even a naked elf!

Nights Around a Table - The Secret Life of Board Games Episode 4: Belfort video thumbnail
Nights Around a Table - TheSecret Life of Board Games Episode 5: Res Arcana

Tom Lehmann returns in the fifth chapter, spilling secrets about the ancient connections between alchemy, tax collection, and chess, all hinted at by a single detail on one special card in his mage battle game Res Arcana.

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