Underwater Cities Reboxing w/ Laserox

Underwater Cities Reboxing w/ Laserox

The table strewn with the flotsam and jetsam of the Underwater Cities and New Discoveries wreckage, i set about righting the ship by organizing everything back into one box, with help from the Laserox wooden underwater insert. (click to view transcript) Hi! It’s...
Underwater Cities: New Discoveries Unboxing Reaction

Underwater Cities: New Discoveries Unboxing Reaction

Immediately after opening Underwater Cities, my board game birthday present, i dove into its first expansion New Discoveries, hoping to find some evidence of the Tiger Sharks/Street Sharks-style human/shark hybrids that i thought for sure the box MUST contain. (click...
Underwater Cities Reboxing w/ Laserox

Underwater Cities Unboxing Reaction

i get exactly one birthday wish a year, and this year, i spent it on Underwater Cities and its expansion, Underwater Cities: New Discoveries. Watch me fish through the box looking for non-existent connections to Tiger Sharks, Street Sharks, and Terraforming Mars....
Secret Mystery Board Game Unboxing Reaction: Part 3

Secret Mystery Board Game Unboxing Reaction: Part 3

Little elf and patron of the arts DMExplains has once again worked hard to send a special gift my way: a box containing two board games he’ll think i like, and that wants to see covered on Nights Around a Table. Here’s the first game i pulled out! (click...
Caverna: The Forgotten Folk Unboxing

Caverna: The Forgotten Folk Unboxing

The original Caverna didn’t initially get a whole lot of play at my table, but i busted it back out during my recent Uwe Rosenberg kick, after playing Agricola and A Feast for Odin. When i saw the expansion in the store, i grabbed it sight unssen. But even if i...
A Feast for Odin: The Norwegians Unboxing Reaction

A Feast for Odin: The Norwegians Unboxing Reaction

Deemed an “essential” expansion by many, A Feast for Odin: The Norwegians adds new animals, new islands, and new sheds, all while stoking an apparently unquenchable fire in the pit of my stomach. Get Your Own Copy of A Feast for Odin: The Norwegians...