All kids love blog.

New patron alert! Meet BoardTina.
DID U TOTALLY KNOW: If your workplace has a policy prohibiting your real name from appearing in borderline insulting poems that some moron writes for you on the internet, you can send that moron a note and go by your internet handle instead. That's what our friend...

Nucleum? Nearly Killed’ Em!
When it comes to giving me board games, Santa's no slouch. He just seems more optimistic than i am about how much time i have to sit down and enjoy myself. My copy of On Mars: Alien Invasion that i received two Christmases ago is still in shrink, and the Christmas...

How i spent your Patreon money in 2022
AFFILIATE LINKS AHOY! What follows is an accounting of the gear, costumes, craft supplies, board games, and snacks that i purchased for the channel this past year. If you'd like to buy anything from this list, click any of the images to shop at Amazon. If you make a...

How to fix Great Western Trail
Great Western Trail has a pacing problem.The board game developed by Austrian designer Alexander Pfister found an audience, some of whom claim it's his best work, despite its objectively terrible cover. It came under fire for its inclusion of indigenous North...

Astra (Star-)Charts a New Direction for Mindclash
For the past few weeks, i've been holding in a juicy secret like a youth group kid with a mouth full of marshmallows trying to say "chubby bunny." i was approached by Mindclash Games to produce a How to Play video for their latest game, news of which has been under a...

500 Miles to Gen Con
When i returned from my first trip to Gen Con, i made no secret of the fact that it was a difficult, busy week in some of the craziest humidity and urban sprawl i've ever experienced. But a picture's worth 1000 words, so here's a thousand pictures detailing the week...

5 First Impressions from Baby’s First Gen Con
i attended Gen Con, a gigantic board gaming convention in Indianapolis, for the first time this past week. Did i shoot any video? Of course i did. But it'll take me a while to edit something together, and i wanted to capture my thoughts in inexpensive text, before...

Why Return to Monkey Island is a Big Deal
It was announced earlier this week that Return to Monkey Island was in development and slated to be released this year in 2022. Many of us Olds are rather excited about it, to put it mildly. If you can't understand what all the fuss is about, i'm here to demystify it...

5 Familiar Things About Ryozen (And 1 Surprise)
Ryozen is a new title from Tabula games on Kickstarter that blends time-tested ideas into something i haven't seen before. Here is a roundup of five familiar elements the game plucks from the zeitgeist, and one way that i think it will uniquely surprise you.1. A 3D...