Rio Grande games sent us a little bundle of family-friendly fare, including Caravan, Butterfly, and The Way of the Bear. This one’s called Queenz, illustrated by the talented Vincent Dutrait. This is the first Ryan-free video on the channel, with queens Cheryl and Cassie taking the helm.

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Hi! It’s Cheryl and Cassie from Nights Around a Table, and we’re here to unbox Queenz, which was sent to us by Rio Grande Games. Cassie and I told Ryan we would like to unbox this because we were both interested in the back of the booox… I don’t know? It’s very pretty… it looks simplistic, but… I don’t know! We were interested in it, and thought it looked like it would be fun to play. Cassie: Mm-hmm! Cheryl: Alright! So would you like to do the honours and… Cassie: (gasp) Dad’s craft knife! Cheryl: You have the power. The power of the craft knife! Now you have to keep it here. Okay. Cassie: Okay. Cheryl: Alright. Cassie: I love taking his craft knife. Cheryl: (laughs) He does not love it when you take the craft knife. It’s not very easy, is it? Cassie: Nope. Cheryl: There you go. Cassie: Alright. Cheryl: I love how you only did like a tiny a little bit, as opposed to your daddy, who’s very anal, and does all of the bits. (chuckles cruelly) Cassie: Yeah. Cheryl: See? This is why he does that. Cassie: Make it a little more awkward. (silent box opening) Cheryl: Box Fart-O-Meter? Together: Zero. Cassie: More like a negative one, honestly. Cherl: I know. It’s pretty sad. Still, very very pretty art. Yeah? Wouldn’t you say? Cassie: Mm-hmm! Look – honeycombs! Cheryl: It’s cute! Cassie: Aww! Cheryl: I don’t know why! It’s just really adorable. It’s… looks very simplistic, though. This looks like a nice, like, “Quick: we have ten minutes before dinner. Let’s play a game!” kind of game. Okay. So there’s, like, 17 pages of instructions… No – I’m kidding. Cassie: Ooh – okay. So we got, like, different colour flowers we get to punch-out. Is this your game, or you’re just…? Cheryl: It was sent to Daddy by Rio Grande Games, so… Cassie: Oh, okay. Cheryl: It’s kind of… Cassie: So Dad will probably want to punch them out. Cheryl: (conspiratorially) You should punch one out anyway. (both giggle) Cassie: He’s losing his mind off… Cheryl (cackles wickedly) Cassie: …there… Cheryl: Okay – make sure you don’t rip it, though, cuz that drives him crazy. (giggles with a heart full of betrayal) Okay. Cassie: Ah – there’s different colours! Cheryl: Awesome. Cassie: Oh – we haven’t been keeping it on… Cheryl: Sorry. Yes. Different col… yeah. Ok. Interesting. And then what’s in here? Uhhh… this looks like, maybe, like a scoring sheet? Oh – no. Player? Players’… Cassie: Ooh! There’s different symbols! Cheryl: Yeah – symbols… Cassie: We’ve go..t… we’ve got, like, a Cheryl: As you can see… Cassie: we’ve got a backpack, we got, like, a… is this a guitar? Oh, no – it’s one of those… uh… honey… Cheryl: Aughhhhh! There’s a word for that… Cassie: …scoop…. Cheryl: I completely… Cassie: Honey… Cheryl: Yeah. Cassie: ….swirly… like… Cheryl: Ladle-y thing. Yeah. No idea. This looks like a starting player marker, for sure. Cassie: This is a… a honeycomb. Oh! So then this isn’t, like, a backpack… this is, like, the beekeeper’s, like… little headpiece! Cheryl: Yeah. Cassie: Cool. Cheryl: It doesn’t look like there’s much to say about this… Cassie: Honey bear. Cheryl: It looks pretty simplistic. What do you think? Like, there’s the little honey pots, and there’s your little hives. Super cute. Cassie. Yeah! It’s nice and simple. I like that… ooh. There’s, like, different amounts of bees on different things. The bees… are important. Cheryl: Well. i would assume so. (both sniggering) And that’s Queenz! So daddy will do… or Ryan… will do a How to Play shortly, and then… I guess… and then we’ll learn how to play, and then we’ll… we’ll tell you what we think later! (both snicker self-consciously) Ryan: Did you just watch that whole thing? Oh – hey! To 100% this video, click the badge to subscribe, and then click the bell to get notifications when I’ve got new stuff! [Music – Board Game Boogie by Ryan Henson Creighton]

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