Here’s The Deal with Keyflower, a worker placement auction game for 2-6 players. If  you’d like to know more about the rules of the game, watch my How to Play Keyflower video.

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HI! It’s Ryan from Nights Around a Table, and this is Keyflower, a worker placement, village-building auction game for for 2-6 players. Here’s the deal. You and your friends play settlers in the new world, who bid for tiles each season of the year to build out their growing little villages.

You start the game with 8 random “keyples” drawn from a bag in three different coloursThese keyples are kept secret behind a privacy screen that looks like an adorable little house!

The game is played in 4 seasons, from Spring to Winter. Each season, a fresh selection of hexagonal tiles goes up for auction. By outbidding your opponents using your keyples, you add the tiles you win to your own village. The tiles themselves give you tools, and resources, and sometimes more keyples when you activate them by placing your keyples on them. You can upgrade your tiles to make them more valuable. At the end of each season, the top bidders win their choice of ships coming over from the old world with fresh settlers and tools on them. When the winter auction ends, players tally up their points to see who’s won.

Well, does it sound interesting? If you want to learn more about the rules of the game, click the link at the end of this video or in the description below to watch my complete How to Play video, which includes the overview segment you just watched. And if you like what i’m doing, click the badge to subscribe, and the bell to get notifications. And now, we dance!

Get Your Own Copy of Keyflower

Keyflower is the most well-known and popular entry in designer Richard Breese’s “key” series, which includes titles like Key Flow and Key to the City. Keypers! Buy your own copy of Keyflower using the Amazon link below, and we’ll receive a small commission.

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