Here’s how to set up Alchemists, a logical deduction board game of pseudo-academic fakery. If you need a rules refresher, watch my How to Play Alchemists video!

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HI! It’s Ryan from Nights Around a Table. Here’s how you set up Alchemists. Flip the board to the proper side based on player count. Shuffle the adventurer tiles, and put one back in the box at random. Slip the first conference tile in under the second adventurer, and the second conference tile above the bottom adventurer. The conferences are double-sided, depending on whether you’re playing the Apprentice or Master variant.

Split the artifact deck into levels i, ii, and iii, and shuffle each stack. Deal 3 cards face-up from each deck. The cards in the ii and iii stacks can’t be bought until those conferences come up, but everyone can see what’s on the horizon so they can plan out their strategy accordingly.

Result tokens go here, money goes here, and 5 ingredients get dealt to the board. Put the ingredients deck here.

Each player takes a public board with 2 coins, and 6, 5, or 4 cubes for a 2, 3, or 4 player game. You get 3 cubes in the first round, and pile the leftovers on the adventurer tiles for round 2 and beyond.

Take your deck of bid cards and your seals, and keep them secret. Draw 2 Favor cards, keep 1, and discard the other. Draw 3 ingredients from the deck for the Apprentice variant, and 2 ingredients for the Master variant. Assemble your cauldron, and tear off a fresh notebook sheet to go at the bottom of your deduction board.

Put the grants on the theory board, and place your flasks on space 10 of the reputation track. The starting player token goes to whoever was most recently in a lab.

Press the “Start New Game” button on the app. This will randomize the ingredients and alchemicals for your game. Write down the code from the app in case your dog eats your phone, or you want to queue up the same configuration on multiple devices.

And now you’re ready to play! If you’d like to know more about how to play, click the link at the end of this video or in the description below to watch my complete How to Play video, which includes the setup segment you just watched. And if you like what i’m doing, click the badge to subscribe, and the bell to get notifications. And now, we dance!

Get Your Own Copy of Alchemists

If you’re watching my setup guide, you likely already own Alchemists. If not, use the Amazon link below to buy your own copy, and i’ll receive a small commission!

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